Benefits of EDI


By moving from a paper-based exchange of business document to one that is electronic, businesses enjoy major benefits such as reduced cost, increased processing speed, reduced errors and improved relationships with business partners.

Improve Data Quality

By eliminating manual entry of documents, you eliminate errors from illegible handwriting, lost faxes/mail and keying and re-keying errors. This can save your staff valuable time from handling data disputes

Improve Speed

EDI can greatly speed up your business cycles. Exchange transactions in minutes instead of hours or days waiting for documents and entering them manually. Improving business partner transaction reliability and relationships

Quick processing of accurate business documents leads to less re-working of orders, fewer incorrect deliveries and fewer cancelled orders

Automating the exchange of data between applications across a supply chain can ensure that business-critical data is sent on time and can be tracked in real time.

Improve Efficiency

However, the increase in business efficiency is also a major factor:

Automating paper-based tasks allows your staff to concentrate on higher-value tasks and provides them with the tools to be more productive

Streamlines your ability to enter new territories and markets. EDI provides a common business language that facilitates business partner onboarding anywhere in the world

Reduce Costs

Expenses associated with paper, printing, reproduction, storage, filing, postage and document retrieval are all reduced or eliminated when you switch to EDI transactions, lowering your transaction costs by at least 35%

A major electronics manufacturer calculates the cost of processing an order manually at $38 compared to just $1.35 for an order processed using EDI

Promotes corporate social responsibility and sustainability by replacing paper-based processes with electronic alternatives. This will both save you money and reduce your CO2 emissions